..and another one!
What a great start to winter and the New Year. Happy New Year everyone from all of us at Cathedral Mountain Guides!
…and the conditions are coming right along. Here are a few favorites.

Repentance, showing a fairly well formed pillar on the second pitch crux, often the key to making the route climbable. Dec. 31st

Remission. The crux pillar coming out of the chimney up high looks pretty good. It is skinney, but looks like it formed in a very climbable way. Ice comes all the way down to where it needs to be, although low down it looks thin, as it often does. Looks good to me! Dec. 31st

Way in the Wilderness on the Painted Wall (ice line left side of buttress). My experience with Way in the Wilderness is this: When I have seen ice all the way to the ground from the road it has been in, but you always have to just walk out there and see! I would imagine it will continue to form even in these cold conditions because it is a major water course. The Painted Wall Icicle looks like it had started to form well, but broke off. It looks like it is reforming, but a big ice roof might make it pretty funky!