Guided Climbing – Rock

  • Rock climbing Cathedral Ledge

Guided Climbing

Have a route on your to-do list? Just need to get out and climb? A busy schedule, difficulty finding partners, and all of life’s other complications make accomplishing your climbing goals difficult.  Link up with Cathedral Mountain Guides for a day of guided climbing to make the most of your climbing time and to learn from our incredible team.

Full day rock climbing adventures on New Hampshire’s classic cliffs – Cathedral Ledge, Whitehorse Ledge, Cannon Cliff, etc… Options abound for those looking for single pitch, cragging days or multi-pitch adventures.  With standout routes that span the grade range, this is a great way to experience the area, regardless of your current climbing ability.

With low-ratio, private guiding, it is easy to tailor the day to meet your personal goals.  Let’s go climbing!

Classic Introductory and Intermediate Routes
Upper Refuse, Cathedral Ledge, 5.5
Standard Route, Whitehorse Ledge, 5.5
Thin Air, Cathedral Ledge, 5.6
Funhouse, Cathedral Ledge, 5.7
Sliding Board, Whitehorse Ledge, 5.7

Classic Intermediate and Advanced Routes
Whitney Gilman Ridge, Cannon Cliff, 5.7
Endeavor, Whites Ledge, 5.7
Inferno, Whitehorse Ledge, 5.8
Moby Grape, Cannon Cliff, 5.8
Still in Saigon, Cathedral Ledge, 5.8
Northeast Ridge of the Pinnacle, Mount Washington, 5.8
Recompense, Cathedral Ledge, 5.9
Hotter Than Hell, Whitehorse Ledge, 5.9
Vertigo, Cannon Cliff, 5.9
Diedre, Cathedral Ledge, 5.10
VMC Direct Direct, Cannon Cliff, 5.10


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New Hampshire Rock Climbing

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