Use Your Beater Crampons This Week

I hope somebody out there has been climbing. Between Christmas traveling and some great friends’ wedding, Janet Bergman’s and Freddie Wilkinson’s, I’m feeling like a slob and I’m wishing for snow.

It’s a little grim in the NH mountains right now, I’d post a picture but my camera got wrecked at Freddie’s bachelor party. The ice got pretty hammered over the mini-mud season that just passed, and it must have rained up in the notches cause the ground is brown. What ice is left though is coming back around and the water seems to still be running. Much of the ice that looks bad has rebonded to the wall since it cooled down. It’s 17 degrees in North Conway this morning with mountain snow in the forecast for today and tomorrow. Temps forecasted to be in the upper 20’s during the day and the teens at night will make for a good temperature swing to keep the ice growing, just as long as we can keep pulling moisture out of the dry ground.

There’s ice to climb, just be careful getting around on the frozen gravel with all those leaves stuck to your crampons!